
Here you will find culture, history, food and fun all in one place. Doorway to the Northeastern region of Brazil, Recife (capital of Pernambuco), besides its beautiful landscapes, with bridges and rivers throughout the city, attracts thousands of tourists every year. Rich in cultural and folk manifestations, its roots are always expressed in its artistic essence and preserved as important cultural patrimony.
In great events, such as its famous Carnival, the sound of Frevo (a regional rhythm and dance) drags people down the streets during the Carnival parades, along with other rhythms such as Maracatu, Caboclinho, Forró, Ciranda, Coco de Roda and even electronic music. The major spotlight is the "Galo da Madrugada" – known as the world’s largest Carnival parade by The Guinness Book World Records - for nearly 36 years celebrating Carnival throughout the streets of São Jose neighborhood on Saturday, the first day of Carnaval.
Saint John´s celebration is another major event with countless attractions in Recife's most important landmarks related to the festivity at the Sítio da Trindade, Dona Lindu Park, the São Pedro Courtyard, Moeda Street and at the Arsenal da Marinha Square. Dance to the tune of the drums and the accordion and experience firsthand such a traditional a party.
Recife is not only party all the time. With more than 1,5 million inhabitants, the metropolitan area of the capital of the state of Pernambuco has got a strong economical conglomerate area with great density and regional leadership, harboring the main state industries and consolidating itself as a modern service area. Recife is considered the first gastronomic hub of the Northeastern region, the second medical Center in Brazil, besides housing the greatest technological park in the country, known as Porto Digital (in Portuguese). That is Recife... beautiful by nature and full of personality.
[Source: Turismo no Recife]
Choosing to get to know Pernambuco is choosing to travel to the Heart of Northeast. The State is located in the center of the region, that is, it has the ideal location to those who want to have the best options for tourism.
For those who looks for sun and sea, options are what we have the most. Some of them are worldwide known, like the Beach of Porto de Galinhas, which has been elected for several times as the best beach of Brazil (Magazine Viagem), the Beach of Carneiros, which is in the 7th in the rank, according to TripAdvisor, and the paradise, also known as Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha. Noronha was elected as Natural Heritage of Humankind by Unesco (2001) and the Best Island of South America by TripAdvisor (2015 and 2016).
When it comes to gastronomy, people of Pernambuco also have a good time. Here we have many awarded food. Rollcake, Souza Leão cake, Tapioca... They are all State´s immaterial heritages. It is not by chance that Recife was elected the 1st Gastronomic Center of the Brazilian North and Northeast, and the 3rd Gastronomic Center of Brazil (Abrasel).
Not to mention that the heart of the Northeast is also a cultural cradle. Look what we have here:
- Ricardo Brennand Institute: Best Brazilian Museum (TripAdvisor, 2015);
- Olinda: Cultural Heritage of Mankind (UNESCO, 1982);
- Caruaru Fair: Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Brazil (IPHAN, 2006);
- Alto do Moura: The biggest center of figurative art of the Americas (Unesco);
- Theater City of New Jerusalem: Biggest outdoor theater in the world;
- Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian of 1535 (the oldest church still standing in Brazil);
- Frevo: Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Brazil (IPHAN, 2007);
- Maracatu de Baque Solto: Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Brazil (IPHAN, 2014);
- Maracatu de Baque Virado: Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Brazil (IPHAN, 2014).
All of this just made that receiving tourist is one of the happiest things to us, and it is not by chance that people of Pernambuco was considered the gentlest of Brazil by Ibope. Come discover Pernambuco!
[Source: Descubra Pernambuco]