
Download the call for papers: pdf.
Papers with a strong emphasis on Formal Methods, whether practical or theoretical, are invited for submission. They should present unpublished and original work that has a clear contribution to the state of the art on the theory and practice of formal methods. They should not be simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
Papers will be judged by at least three reviewers on the basis of originality, relevance, technical soundness and presentation quality and should contain sound theoretical or practical results. Industry papers should emphasize practical application of formal methods or report on open challenges. Contributions should be written in English and be prepared using Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format. Papers may not exceed 16 pages (including figures, references and appendix). Accepted papers will be published, after the conference, in a volume of LNCS. Also, a special issue of Science of Computer Programming (Elsevier) is going to be published for the very best papers.
Every accepted paper MUST have at least one author registered in the symposium by the time the camera-ready copy is submitted; the registered author is also expected to attend the symposium and present the paper.
Papers can be submitted via the following link: